What we Believe IS our Reality, by EJ Mandigo

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Secret To Visualization Its Something Most People Miss…

I have never underestimated the power of visualization! It has always been a winning technique for me. I want to tell you there is a secret to it that most people miss.
I discovered at a young age that I loved to use my imagination.

I would see all kinds of wonderful things happening for me. This brought me to the realization that everything I had created up to that point I had first visualized. If that were true and it was then I can create ANYTHING with this.

”All Your Wishes Are Granted Master!”

I remember that feeling, it was awe-inspiring. I felt as if I had discovered this power that was similar to a genie. “All your wishes are granted, master.” Sounds good to me!

You don’t want to get visualizing and day dreaming confused. When you visualize you have an intention behind it. That intention creates, energy and the energy creates attraction and that attraction brings about the manifestation.

To give you an example, if I am visualizing about becoming a motivational speaker and I have the intention of speaking for a large group of professionals, inspiring them to move to a higher level of success in their lives.

The Dream

I would see myself in front of a room of hundred’s of people all dressed in business attire. The room is large and open with high ceilings and large open windows all along one side of the room allowing the sun to pour in from out side.

I am standing at a tall dark brown podium. I am dressed in a professional black and grey business suit. I feel excited and enthusiastic as I look into the audience. I can feel my heart beating faster.

I take my time looking around the room connecting with the people in the audience. I can see their faces, I notice their expressions. Are they tired or happy to be there. This allows me to see the audience as human beings, that are individuals rather then a meld of one massive group.

If I only see a massive group that is faceless that can be intimidating. But one person, is one person. If I really look at that person I can see they are just like me. I then do this with the next person and so on. I find the commonality which connects me instead of separating me.

As I connect with the different people in the room I can feel a calm washing over me. I begin to feel centered and at ease with myself. We are all here for the same purpose to raise our level of awareness, so we can easily move through life.

In the short time it takes me to connect with the audience I feel inspiration. Once I am inspired the positive energy starts to flow through me spilling out to the audience. They can feel it and before you know it we as a group are off and running. It’s a connection!

That was a detailed story. The more I can feel that visualization, the more real it is the more likely it is to happen.

Why? At this point I am aligning myself with the vibration that will produce the result. If I am not clear or I included a (disbelief) that hundred’s of business people would pay to hear me speak, then I am sending out a vibration that will manifest exactly that. That would be the opposite of what I want to happen.

Breaking It Down

Looking at it closer you can see that in order for my visualization to become a reality I have to believe it can come true. Then, I have to feel what that is like. Really allow yourself to feel this.

If you are blocked here and can’t feel the excitement, that is the first stumbling block standing in your way. You may not realize this is happening so you keep visualizing that same scene with no excitement or feeling for weeks. When nothing happens with your visualization you decide the process doesn’t work and you stop doing it.

Visualization Is Not Only Seeing

It’s really easy to miss the feeling portion of all this. If you can’t feel it but can only see it, ask yourself, “What is stopping me from feeling excited or peaceful about this?” Now pay attention to what is coming up for you.

Look and see if there is a possibility that you are visualizing something you really aren’t ready for at this time. You may not feel you deserve it. You may feel you do deserve it but are frightened of how it will change your life when you get what you have always wanted.

Preparing For your Visualization to Happen

If your visualization is too big right now, make it smaller until you do feel comfortable with it. That does not mean you shouldn’t dream big, it means hold a less intimidating vision for yourself that would be a stepping stone to the bigger vision.

Graduating To the Big Dream

Once you feel comfortable with the smaller visualization and your great feelings are in alignment with your vision then go to the next step.

Let’s say that you have the “Motivational Speaker” dream. But speaking in front of a hundred’s of business professionals that are all spending their hard earned money to listen to you can feel stressful.

Begin by seeing yourself speaking to a small group of five to ten people that you feel comfortable with. Allow yourself to feel at ease with the idea. Then each day expand it until you confidently see your self speaking to a group of hundreds.

Happy Visualizing!!

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